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- HOWTO: How to stay updated
- Kjetil Bakkeskaug, Kjell Sundby and Stein Gjoen, sgjoen@nyx.net
- v0.6, 3 February 1998
- This document describes how to stay updated and abreast of the devel¡
- opment that takes place in the Linux world of development. Although
- most of this text is Linux specific there is also a lot of general
- information on searching efficiently for specific information that can
- be useful for a wider audience.
- 1. Introduction
- Development in the world of Linux takes place at an incredible speed
- and it can be difficult to keep abreast with the latest development.
- This HOWTO gives you a few guidelines on how to get the information
- you need, fast and efficiently. Most are quite familiar with using the
- World Wide Web (WWW) and Usenet News but as will be shown here there
- are many other methods that can be as good or even better.
- 1.1. Copyright
- This HOWTO is copyrighted 1997 Kjell Sundby, Kjetil Bakkeskaug and
- Stein Gjoen.
- Unless otherwise stated, Linux HOWTO documents are copyrighted by
- their respective authors. Linux HOWTO documents may be reproduced and
- distributed in whole or in part, in any medium physical or electronic,
- as long as this copyright notice is retained on all copies. Commercial
- redistribution is allowed and encouraged; however, the author would
- like to be notified of any such distributions.
- All translations, derivative works, or aggregate works incorporating
- any Linux HOWTO documents must be covered under this copyright notice.
- That is, you may not produce a derivative work from a HOWTO and impose
- additional restrictions on its distribution. Exceptions to these rules
- may be granted under certain conditions; please contact the Linux
- HOWTO coordinator at the address given below.
- In short, we wish to promote dissemination of this information through
- as many channels as possible. However, we do wish to retain copyright
- on the HOWTO documents, and would like to be notified of any plans to
- redistribute the HOWTOs.
- If you have questions, please contact Greg Hankins, the Linux HOWTO
- coordinator, at gregh@sunsite.unc.edu via email.
- 1.2. Disclaimer
- Use the information in this document at your own risk. We disavow any
- potential liability for the contents of this document. Use of the
- concepts, examples, and/or other content of this document is entirely
- at your own risk.
- All copyrights are owned by their owners, unless specifically noted
- otherwise. Use of a term in this document should not be regarded as
- affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark.
- Naming of particular products or brands should not be seen as
- endorsements.
- You are strongly recommended to take a backup of your system before
- major installation and backups at regular intervals.
- 1.3. News
- Added more information on the workings of mailing lists.
- 2. Information
- When you start out with a Linux installation you will normally get
- quite a bit of information along, not just the installation pamphlet
- but also substantial online help and information files as well as
- HOWTO files. This gives you a good starting point but after a while
- you will find yourself interested in knowing more, updating your
- system and basically staying informed. For simplicity this kind of
- information is here divided into several types, the type you subscribe
- to, information you search for as well as a bit on getting more
- specific help efficiently.
- Even if you don't get printed information of some kind with your Linux
- packages you will along with any self respecting distribution get a
- number of directories with documentation of some kind, ranging from
- the tersest README files for most software packages to the more in
- depth HOWTOs, of which this is one.
- Have a look in the document archive <file:///usr/doc> where most
- packages store their main documentation and README files etc. Also
- you will here find the HOWTO archive <file:///usr/doc/HOWTO> of ready
- formatted HOWTOs and also the mini-HOWTO archive
- <file:///usr/doc/HOWTO/mini> of plain text documents.
- The kernel source <file:///usr/src/linux> is, of course, the ultimate
- documentation. In other words, use the source, Luke. It should also
- be pointed out that the kernel comes not only with source code which
- is even commented (well, partially at least) but also an informative
- documentation directory <file:///usr/src/linux/Documentation>. If you
- are about to ask any questions about the kernel you should read this
- first, it will save you and many others a lot of time and possibly
- embarrassment.
- The online documentation is excellent for browsing and searching but
- don't dismiss the printed version altogether; if you cannot even get
- the machine to boot, how are you going to be able to read that piece
- of information you need to get the system going again?
- 3. Subscription
- This basically means you set up a subscription of some sort and then
- follow the news as they come in. be careful not to bite over more than
- you can chew, information overload is more than a buzzword. There is
- also rather more junk out there than is just annoying, it is a real
- problem these days. Read critically and be prepared to unsubscribe.
- There are two distinct medias for getting continuous updates: news and
- mailing lists, though sometimes news is gatewayed to mail and vice
- versa. In general news is a larger volume, larger noise source
- compared to mailing lists. Trying to follow too many newsgroups is
- like drinking from a fire hose.
- 3.1. Usenet News
- Getting access to Usenet News is outside the scope of this HOWTO,
- there are others that will help you with getting and reading News
- directly from a Linux system. If you have never used News before you
- should be careful to read the introductory information thoroughly. In
- spite of looking like an anarchy it does have its own distinct
- culture, follow a newsgroup for some time before posting yourself.
- Most importantly, look out for postings called Frequently Asked
- Questions or FAQ as they will show you the ropes for the group it is
- posted to, and most likely give you the answer to what you are looking
- for. Asking an FAQ will earn you severe negative credibility points as
- well as a place in many killfiles.
- FAQs should be posted regularly but if you cannot find it you can
- always find it at the main FAQ archive <ftp://rtfm.mit.edu> at MIT.
- These are also available as web pages <http://www.cis.ohio-
- state.edu/hypertext/faq/>.
- Still, there is a lot of noise, spam and junk in News and this is
- where killfiles come in. You will need a news reader with killfile
- capability and when properly set up it will scan through a newsgroup
- according to a search key of your own design and mark all flagged
- postings as already read so you don't have to be bothered by the
- noise. This improves the signal-to-noise ratio and lets you
- concentrate on the important parts. Similarly, if you make noise in
- News others will killfile you so if you later were to ask for help
- they will never see your post.
- Now to business: the following is a list of useful newsgroups:
- ╖ announcements <news:comp.os.linux.announce>
- ╖ answers <news:comp.os.linux.answers>
- ╖ development of applications <news:comp.os.linux.development.apps>
- ╖ development of the system <news:comp.os.linux.development.sys>
- ╖ hardware <news:comp.os.linux.hardware>
- ╖ misc <news:comp.os.linux.misc>
- ╖ networking <news:comp.os.linux.networking>
- ╖ setting up linux <news:comp.os.linux.setup>
- ╖ X11 on linux <news:comp.os.linux.x>
- Many national hierarchies also have Linux groups, such as the
- Norwegian <news:no.linux> Linux groups. If you cannot find your
- national or local group you might be able to use Dejanews
- <http://www.dejanews.com> to find the names for you.
- 3.2. Mailing Lists
- Unlike Usenet News a mailing list is centralised, someone sends a mail
- to the server and the server in return mails everyone that is
- subscribed to that particular list. These lists are generally low
- volume but also very low noise. Any breaches of the charter will be
- looked harshly upon. Equally seriously it will delay the development
- or the project that the list is dedicated to. When you subscribe you
- will normally get an introductory mail describing the charter, again
- you are strongly recommended to read this very carefully.
- There are many types of mail servers that can handle a list and you
- will need some information on how and where you can subscribe.
- One of the most common list servers is Majordomo which is what the
- list server at vger.rutgers.edu <mailto:majordomo@vger.rutgers.edu>.
- is running. To learn how it works you send a mail message with the
- word help in the body. If you send it something it cannot parse you
- will get this help message anyway. If you instead mail it the word
- lists you will be returned a list of all mailing lists it serves, and
- that can be a considerable number.
- Other mailing lists use several addresses, one where you send your
- requests such as subscribe and unsubscribe, and one where you send
- your contributions to the list which is usually also the address from
- which the list is also redistributed to you. Again, sending it the
- message help or something it cannot parse will give you the help
- information. An example: you send the word subscribe to the address
- corned-beef-requests@somelistserver.org and then you get mail from and
- contribute to the list address corned-beef-list@somelistserver.org
- until you unsubscribe.
- A few tips before you start sending in to mailing lists:
- ╖ Do not send subscribe etc. to the list itself, only to the server
- address, otherwise you will look silly and you will annoy people.
- There can be several thousand subscribers to a list and if such
- errors were to pour in the noise would be too much.
- ╖ When you subscribe you will often get an introductory message sent
- to you automatically. Read it carefully as this should answer most
- of the initial questions.
- ╖ Do not gateway mailing lists to news without asking first as this
- can cause mailing loops as well as spam.
- As mentioned above, vger.rutgers.edu
- <mailto:majordomo@vger.rutgers.edu>. is one of the main mailing list
- servers and here is an abbreviated index of what is available for the
- Linux community:
- ╖ linux-8086
- ╖ linux-admin
- ╖ linux-alpha
- ╖ linux-apps
- ╖ linux-arm
- ╖ linux-bbs
- ╖ linux-c-programming
- ╖ linux-config
- ╖ linux-console
- ╖ linux-diald
- ╖ linux-doc
- ╖ linux-fido
- ╖ linux-fsf
- ╖ linux-ftp
- ╖ linux-gcc
- ╖ linux-gcc-digest
- ╖ linux-hams Amateur Radio and Linux discussions
- ╖ linux-hppa
- ╖ linux-ibcs2
- ╖ linux-ipx
- ╖ linux-isdn
- ╖ linux-japanese
- ╖ linux-kernel
- ╖ linux-kernel-announce
- ╖ linux-kernel-digest
- ╖ linux-kernel-patch
- ╖ linux-laptop
- ╖ linux-linuxss
- ╖ linux-lugnuts
- ╖ linux-mca
- ╖ linux-mips
- ╖ linux-msdos
- ╖ linux-msdos-devel
- ╖ linux-msdos-digest
- ╖ linux-net
- ╖ linux-new-lists
- ╖ linux-newbie
- ╖ linux-newbiew
- ╖ linux-nys
- ╖ linux-oasg
- ╖ linux-oi
- ╖ linux-opengl
- ╖ linux-pkg
- ╖ linux-ppp
- ╖ linux-pro
- ╖ linux-qag
- ╖ linux-raid
- ╖ linux-scsi
- ╖ linux-serial
- ╖ linux-seyon
- ╖ linux-smp
- ╖ linux-sound
- ╖ linux-standards
- ╖ linux-svgalib
- ╖ linux-tape
- ╖ linux-term
- ╖ linux-userfs
- ╖ linux-word
- ╖ linux-x11
- ╖ linux-x25
- ╖ sparclinux
- ╖ ultralinux
- There are of course a number of other lists on other server. As this
- is in a constant state of flux there is little point in naming all but
- the most important here. Instead you could check out a web page that
- maintains such a list of lists
- <http://summer.snu.ac.kr/~djshin/linux/mail-list/index.shtml> on
- various servers of interest to Linux users. It also offers an user
- friendly interface to subscribe or unsubscribe to the various lists
- directly.
- There is also a web page listing a huge number of lists concerning
- much more than Linux at list index
- <http://www.NeoSoft.com/internet/paml/>.
- 3.3. Magazines
- Many have been disappointed at the lack of information on Linux in the
- trade press. This is probably because certain commercial products
- would not stand up for any comparison and the advertisers would not
- stand it at all. Fortunately there is one Linux specific journal,
- called the Linux Journal. More information on subscription etc. can be
- found at the SSC <http://www.ssc.com> home page. A table of contents
- is usually also available online.
- There is also an e-zine called Linux Gazette
- <http://www.linuxgazette.com>.
- 4. Meetings
- Linux has been created through a massive networked effort, mostly by
- heavy use of the Internet. Still, there is the chance of meeting real
- people, face to face, in Linux user groups (LUG) that are all over the
- world. Search the lists that are published regularly, there could be
- one near you.
- Conferences, install fests, creating new user groups and more is
- regularly announced on Usenet News announcements
- <news:comp.os.linux.announce>. Such events are excellent venues for
- staying on top of events and also for getting help.
- 5. Searching
- There are many avenues open when searching for something particular.
- Remember you can also use the web search engines and that some, like
- ╖ Altavista <http://www.altavista.digital.com>
- ╖ Excite <http://www.excite.com>
- ╖ Hotbot <http://www.hotbot.com>
- can also search usenet news.
- Also remember that Dejanews <http://www.dejanews.com> is a dedicated
- news searcher that keeps a news spool from early 1995 and onwards.
- Even though more and more things take place of the web these days, do
- not forget that there is a lot of information available on the various
- ftp servers around the world. Some web search engines also index ftp
- servers but the tool of choice is still the archie servers, systems
- that regularly scan major ftp servers around the world and keep lists
- of files. These can be accessed in many ways, either by archie clients
- like archie or the X11 version xarchie which should be available on
- any well maintained linux system. Failing that you can access archie
- servers using telnet to any of the servers listed
- ╖ Australia <telnet://archie.au>
- ╖ Austria <telnet://archie.univie.ac.at>
- ╖ Belgium <telnet://archie.belnet.be>
- ╖ Finland <telnet://archie.funet.fi>
- ╖ Germany <telnet://archie.th-darmstadt.de>
- ╖ Korea <telnet://archie.kornet.nm.kr>
- ╖ Italy <telnet://archie.unipi.it>
- ╖ Japan <telnet://archie.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
- ╖ Poland <telnet://archie.icm.edu.pl>
- ╖ Sweden <telnet://archie.luth.se>
- ╖ Spain <telnet://archie.rediris.es>
- ╖ United Kingdom <telnet://archie.doc.ic.ac.uk>
- ╖ United States <telnet://archie.bunyip.com>
- ╖ United States <telnet://archie.internic.net>
- Of course you should try to use the server closest to you, and to see
- the list of current server you can either start the archie client with
- no arguments or, if telnetting, by querying the server. Online help is
- available. Unfortunately not all servers are synchronised, so you
- might have to search a few before finding what you are looking for.
- Recently a more user friendly ftp index server entered the net, the
- ftpsearch <http://ftpsearch.ntnu.no> engine, featuring many options
- and with a rather stark interface, in the best Unix tradition.
- Most of these offer help on efficient searching techniques, reading
- this can speed up your searches enormously. Investing a little time
- here will pay off in the long run.
- If you have trouble getting onto the Internet but have mail then you
- should have a look at the access via mail FAQ. Naturally you can get
- it over e-mail using the US, Canada and South America server
- <mailto:mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu> entering only this line in the BODY
- of the note:
- /send usenet/news.answers/internet-services/access-via-email
- or Europe, Asia etc server <mailto:mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk> entering
- only this line in the BODY of the note:
- send lis-iis e-access-inet.txt
- or look through your news spool if you have one locally in
- news.answers newsgroup <news:news.answers>.
- Finally, you might wish to get more information from a person, say an
- author of a software package. usually you can find the e-mail address
- in the accompanying documentation which normally would be in the
- documentation subdirectory <file:///usr/doc/> but failing that and
- also if the given address is no longer valid you could find help in
- the FAQ for finding e-mail addresses
- <http://www.qucis.queensu.ca/FAQs/email/finding.html>.
- 6. Conclusion
- Finding information fast and efficiently is more of an art than a
- science and we still have not touched on the really difficult part:
- how do you determine the actual quality of the information? It is
- outside the scope of this HOWTO to tell you that but it is still
- something you should keep in mind. You should at least check the
- information is recent enough to be current to your problem.
- There are a number of FAQs available that deals with more serious
- research method topics and you can also see a comprehensive on-line
- version <http://cn.net.au>.
- Quoted from someone's signature:
- Be alert! The world needs more lerts.